PRL Client Direct Program
We are proud to offer PRL supplements through their Client Direct program through our practitioner. Click the CD logo to sign up and enjoy the many supplements PRL has to offer! See below for our customer favorites!
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Using the acronym POEMM we suggest focussing on the top supplements for general support first.
- Microbiome-18 (probiotic like Life 9 but with many more strains)
- EPA/DHA Marine Softgels (like OmegaGize but without added CoQ10 and without D3 from sheep wool)
- Digest Premier (like Essentialzymes-4 - digestive enzyme - general)
- Digestase-SP (like Detoxzyme - digestive enzyme for gluten)
- GastroVen (Bromelain digestive enzyme for meat eaters)
- HCL (for GERD and heavy meat eaters)
- Multi-Vitamin (best plant-based multi on the market)
- Daily One (frequency based whole nutrition)
- pH Minerals (like Mineral Essence but without Royal Jelly)
- Calcium Magnesium Plus (bioavalable cal and mag)
- Pink Salt (Electrolytes)
- Plant Vitamin C (like Super C chews but in capsule without fillers)
- D3 + K2 (like Super Vitamin D but with K2)
- Complete B (like Super B but vegan and as herbs rather than a hard tablet)
- Phyto Methylate (high dose B12)
- Phyto Iron (best bioavalable iron)
- Green Caps (like MultiGreens but without bee derivatives)
- Too many to list! Fermented supplements are best for microbiome support!
- Calcium Magnesium Plus (like Super Cal Plus but with Magnesium)
- Bone Health (Like Super Cal Plus with Red Algae but different)
- ParaStat (Parasite Cleanse)
- Paratosin (Parasite Cleanse)
- Organic Cotton Flannel
- Organic Castor Oil
- Digest Premier (like Essentialzymes-4 - digestive enzyme - general)
- Digestase-SP (like Detoxzyme - digestive enzyme for gluten)
- GastroVen (Bromelain digestive enzyme for meat eaters)
- HCL (for GERD and heavy meat eaters)
- Premier Aloe (gastrointestinal support)
- XenoStat (like Thyromin but a lower amount of iodine)
- ThyroVen (like Thyromin but lower iodine and
- DHEA (for progesterone precursor hormone)
- Pregnenelone (for progesterone precursor hormone)
- AdrenaVen (Adrenal Fatigue)
- Men's Performance Edge (with Tong-Kat Ali for low T)
- Testosterone Premium (for men and ED , like Prostate Health but with Fenugreek and cordycepts for stress)
- UltrPollen (urinary and prostate)
- AllerCaps (Quercetin and NAC for immune)
- NAC (lung and immune)
- PneumoVen (for lung health)
- Nucleo Immune (DNA RNA Repair)
- Olive Leaf Immune (like Olive Essentials but with added Chlorella, Reishi, and Turkey Tails for immune)
- UltrPollen (urinary and prostate)
- Colostrum (for immune health and gut health)
- NADH (brain support)
- CoQ10 (brain, nerve, cardo support)
- DHA Premier (brain, nerve, and eye support)
- Adaptogen-R3 (healthy stress response)
- AdrenaVen (Adrenal Fatigue)
- Tranquinol (like Unwind for focus and sleep)
- Tranquinol (like Unwind for focus and sleep)
- Melatonin-ND (like ImmuPro but liquid melatonin only)
- Probiotic Caps (probiotic and prebiotic)
- Microbiome-18 (probiotic like Life 9 but with many more strains)
- Colostrum (for immune health and gut health)
- Fermented Beets (microbiome and metabolic support)
- Fermented Turmeric (microbiome and circulatory support)
- DentaVen (for mouth and dental microbiome)
- OcuVen (like IlluminEyes with marigold but with greens vision blend)
- DHA Premier (brain, nerve, and eye support)
- BiliVen (liver and gallbladder health)
- Liver-ND (liver health)
- HepatoVen (liver health)
- Marine Collagen (Type 1) (like Inner Beauty but without fillers)
- Hair/Skin/Nails (with Keratin)
- Lean Advantage (lean body mass)
- ACV (apple cider vinegar in capsule form!)
- Green Tea Extract (important for clarity and weight support)
- Amino hGH (like AminoWise but with amino acid based growth hormone for muscle building)
- Whey Protein Powder
- Plant Protein Powder
- CogniTropic (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factors (BDNF) for mental focus)
- LiquiTech paint for EMF protection on small devices
- Q-Disc 5.0 for your cell phone
Supplement Substitutes
- AgilEase - From PRL: Turmeric, Joint & Disc
- AlkaLime - From PRL: ACV Premier
- Allerzyme - From PRL: Digestase-SP (also GastroVen, Inflammacidin, and Digest Premier)
- AminoWise - From PRL: Plant Protein Powder
- BLM - From PRL: Joint & Disc
- CardioGize - From PRL: D3+K2
- ComforTone - From PRL: Psyllium Fiber Premier
- CortiStop - From PRL: Pregnenolone and DHEA
- Daily Prebiotic Fiber (formerly ICP Daily) - From PRL: Probiotic Caps (prebiotics with probiotics)
- Detoxzyme - From PRL: Digestase-SP (also GastroVen or Inflammacidin)
- EndoGize - From PRL: Men’s Performance Edge or Testosterone Premium
- Essentialzymes-4 - From PRL: Digest Premier (also GastroVen, Inflammacidin, and Digestase-SP)
- Essentialzyme - From PRL: GastroVen and HCL Premier
- FemiGen - From PRL: Fem Balance-FX or Radiant Woman
- Golden Turmeric - From PRL: Fermented Turmeric or Turmeric Premier
- Green Omegas (formerly OmegaGize3) - From PRL: EPA/DHA Marine Soft Gels (vegan use DHA Premier and EFA Liquid)
- ICP - From PRL: Psyllium Fiber Premier
- ICP Daily (Daily Prebiotic Fiber) - From PRL: Probiotic Caps (prebiotics with probiotics)
- IlluminEyes - From PRL: OcuVen
- ImmuPro - From PRL: Reishi Immune, Tranquinol, and/or Melatonin-ND and Zinc
- Inner Beauty Collagen™ - From PRL: Marine Collagen
- Inner Defense - From PRL: Paratosin and Oregano Oil Premier
- JuvaPower - From PRL: HepatoVen and Liver-ND
- JuvaTone - From PRL: HepatoVen and Liver-ND
- K & B - From PRL: RenaVen and UriVen
- Life 9 - Probiotic Caps or Microbiome 18
- Master Formula - From PRL: Multi Vitamin Premier
- MegaCal - From PRL: Calcium Magnesium Plus
- MightyPro - From PRL: Microbiome 18 or Probiotic Caps
- MindWise - From PRL: CoQ10 and Turmeric
- Mineral Essence - From PRL: pH Minerals
- MultiGreens - From PRL: Greens Caps or Organic Greens Powder
- NingXia Greens™ - From PRL: Organic Greens Powder
- Olive Essentials - From PRL: Olive Leaf Immune
- OmegaGize3 (now Green Omegas) - From PRL: EPA/DHA Marine Soft Gels (vegan use DHA Premier and EFA Liquid)
- ParaFree - From PRL: ParaStat and Paratosin
- PD 80/20 - From PRL: Pregnenolone and DHEA
- PowerGize - From PRL: Men’s Performance Edge
- Progessence Plus - From PRL: Pregnenolone and DHEA
- Prostate Health - Saw Palmetto
- Pure Protein Complete: From PRL: Plant Protein
- SleepEssence - From PRL: Tranquinol or Melatonin-ND
- Slique Line - From PRL: Lean Advantage
- Sulfurzyme Capsules - No MSM from PRL, you can use Doctor’s Best MSM on Amazon
- Sulfurzyme Powder - No MSM from PRL, you can use Doctor’s Best MSM on Amazon
- Super B - From PRL: Complete B
- Super Cal Plus - From PRL: Calcium Magnesium Plus
- Super C Chews - From PRL: Plant Vitamin C
- Super C Tablets - From PRL: Plant Vitamin C
- Super Vitamin D - From PRL: D3+K2
- Thyromin - From PRL: ThyroVen or XenoStat